Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Misty's Hat

When I started looking around at other books to knit from, I came across this one. It peeked my interest so i looked to see if it was at the library. It was not at the Denver public library but it was at another. So i took it home and decided that i would not buy it because it did not have many patterns that i liked in it. I probably did something that i shouldn't do and that was make copies of the view patterns that i did like. There just were not enough patterns it to justify buying the book. I have made 4 of the 7 patterns from what i had copied. 
One of them was the pattern for the hat below. I saw and thought of my friend Misty and knew it would be perfect for her. Another good this was that it was made with linen since she is allergic to wool. Below is the finished project before blocking. It loved to curl up there. It has been so long since i worked on the hat that i can not remember what size of needle i used and i do not have my copy in front of me. I believe it was a size 3 circular needle and double points.  The stitches where so small between the needle and the skein that i did not think i would ever be done.  I still have a lot of the skein left and i have no idea what to do with it.
This it blocked out so that it should stop curling up.

Here is Misty sporting her hat. There is a black ribbon woven through some eyelets that were around the bottom of the hat.
There is a bow on the side that you can not really see here. The hat made me think of the 1920's when i saw it and i almost accomplished that with this one i think.

I do have one more hat done and a par of gloves but i like have the picture of the person wearing the item before posting. So if my friends i ever get around to going to coffee again i will have a picture of one of them wearing the other hat.

(Where the hell is the spell check on this thing. I need it)